DaisyMaxwell's News and Blog

News and Political Blog

To Rush Limbaugh: Please Sue the Lying, Lynching Media! Defend Truth in the Courtroom, Where It Counts

October 15, 2009

Put this dishonest media in their place.  They can’t keep lying about people without some consequences for their actions and words.  The lynching you’ve received needs to be addressed.  I beg you, for the good of our country, and in defense of Conservativism, PLEASE sue the crap out of those liars!  They need to be taught that they can’t lie about people repeatedly.  Just because you repeat a lie enough, dosn’t make it fact.  Liberal bloggers like Kos, HuffPo etc., have convinced the liberal media that if they repeat a lie enough, it will be taken as truth.  You must stand up for truth.  You’ve been lied about and you MUST for the sake of those of us who have stood with you all of these years; sue those people.  Make them face the consequences for their corrupt actions. 

You were treated the way liberals believe all conservatives should be treated. What that means is no free enterprise for any of us.  We aren’t entitled to or deserve it, even if we have, by the sweat of our brow, earned every penny we have to be part of the free market of this country.  Conservatives are the ones liberals want to strip of all of their money, their freedom, and their beliefs.  They want us to roll over and become a whipped puppy, with its tail between its legs.  You must not allow them to get away with this. 

This is bigger than just you Rush, its bigger than just your listeners, it’s about the MORAL responsibility to put liars in their place, and reveal who they are with a price that will make them learn they can’t lie about people and get away with it.  This is about intellectual honesty for the media and for politicians, who have lied about you.  I reference Sheila Jackson Lee, from my own state, as one who needs to learn a lesson about telling the truth, and not believing the lies, which have no facts to back them up. 


Sincerely, Daisy Maxwell


This entry was posted on October 16, 2009 by in News.