DaisyMaxwell's News and Blog

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Obama: All nations must follow standards for war – “As commander in Chief, I reserve the right to act unilaterally to defend the USA”

Dec 10, 7:47 AM (ET) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20091210/D9CGERT80.html

OSLO (AP) – President Barack Obama, accepting his Nobel Peace Prize, says all nations must follow standards on the use of force.

The president, who last week ordered 30,000 more troops into Afghanistan, says he reserves the right as commander in chief to act unilaterally to defend the U.S. But he also said he is convinced that sticking to standards strengthens the countries that follow them – and isolates and weakens those countries that don’t.

Even when confronted with an adversary that doesn’t follow any rules, Obama said the U.S. must remain a standard bearer in the conduct of war.

Obama spoke Thursday during a ceremony at city hall in Oslo, Norway, where he formally accepted the peace prize he was awarded in October.

(Imagine a monent, that this were G W Bush saying this? Oh wait, he did say this and was vilified for it!!!!! DM)



This entry was posted on December 10, 2009 by in News.